Back in July I set a little goal for myself at the Des Moines Airport (in part to keep myself from crying.hard.all the way home. also I like to set goals). I told Nick that I would give myself 12 weeks to find a job and get back home. It totally worked! NO TEARS! It also made coming down from wedding planning easy since I had a new project to focus on.
Well I have started the interview process with a company that directly competes with the one I work for now. I have had nervous belly for about 3 weeks now. I can hardly stand it! Nick and I get sooo excited even thinking about it.
I told my mom about this and she recommended tums and rest. Nick was soo irritated because I recommend Tums for every stomach issue he has. Kind of funny when you realize where you get habits from.
I meet with the VP of sales Wednesday and hope everything goes well. I will keep you posted.
On Mother's Day
9 years ago
super exciting!!! Good luck!